#3 ✓resolved
h3rald (at h3rald)

Readline compatibility mode

Reported by h3rald (at h3rald) | February 28th, 2009 @ 12:01 PM | in 0.3.0

[Originally submitted on RubyForge (#23277) by Daniel Berger (djberg96)]


Is there any chance of creating a readline compatibility mode? In other words, an interface that matches the Ruby readline interface that's part of the standard library?

I ask because it's basically impossible to build gnu/readline with MS VC++. A pure Ruby readline interface would be very, very handy. It would also eliminate a third party dependency for everyone.



Comments and changes to this ticket

  • h3rald (at h3rald)

    h3rald (at h3rald) February 28th, 2009 @ 12:04 PM

    • Assigned user set to “h3rald (at h3rald)”
    • Tag changed from priority:3, type:feature to feature, p3
    • State changed from “new” to “resolved”
    • Milestone set to 0.3.0

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RawLine is a 100% Ruby library able to provide some of the functionality offered by ReadLine, plus additional features such as a more intuitive way to bind characters to specific keys or key sequences.

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