Changeset [80368b3a93a305de70245a36837106aa20ba7557] by h3rald

March 11th, 2009 @ 02:16 PM

Simplified/refactored emitter; removed relog operation for now.

Committed by h3rald

  • M config.rb
  • M lib/redbook/cli.rb
  • M lib/redbook/emitter.rb
  • M lib/redbook/engine.rb
  • M lib/redbook/message.rb
  • M lib/redbook/parser.rb
  • M lib/redbook/repository.rb
  • M lib/redbook/system_extensions.rb
  • M plugins/aggregation_plugin.rb
  • M plugins/detail_plugin.rb
  • M plugins/tagging_plugin.rb
  • M plugins/tracking_plugin.rb
  • M spec/emitter_spec.rb
  • M spec/engine_spec.rb
  • M spec/parser_spec.rb
  • M spec/tracking_plugin_spec.rb
  • M templates/_tags.cli.erb
  • M templates/_tags.html.erb
  • M templates/_tags.txt.erb
  • M templates/_tags.xml.erb
  • M templates/activity.cli.erb
  • M templates/activity.html.erb
  • M templates/activity.txt.erb
  • M templates/activity.xml.erb
  • M templates/cli.erb
  • M templates/cli/activity.cli.erb
  • M templates/cli/entry.cli.erb
  • M templates/cli/message.cli.erb
  • M templates/entry.cli.erb
  • M templates/entry.html.erb
  • M templates/entry.txt.erb
  • M templates/entry.xml.erb
  • M templates/html.erb
  • M templates/html/activity.html.erb
  • M templates/html/entry.html.erb
  • M templates/html/message.html.erb
  • M templates/message.cli.erb
  • M templates/message.html.erb
  • M templates/message.txt.erb
  • M templates/message.xml.erb
  • M templates/txt.erb
  • M templates/txt/activity.txt.erb
  • M templates/txt/entry.txt.erb
  • M templates/txt/message.txt.erb
  • M templates/xml.erb
  • M templates/xml/activity.xml.erb
  • M templates/xml/entry.xml.erb
  • M templates/xml/message.xml.erb
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A daily logger and time tracker written in Ruby.